How to 3x your reading speed in 7 days:
Today you’ll get a proven technique for tripling your reading speed. Imagine if you went from reading 10 to 30 books a year! That knowledge would be life-changing. Here are the 5 secrets to speed reading:
1. Avoid Subvocalization
The untrained reader vocalizes each word in their head. It’s a problem because you can read faster than you speak.
Most people speak 150–200 words per minute (wpm), while trained readers can push 700+ wpm. Yes, you CAN read without subvocalizing.
Prove it to yourself: Read this while repeating “1, 2, 3, A, B, C.” Notice how subvocalization is irrelevant to understanding. It’s only challenging because of bad habits. But it IS possible. Keep practising.
2. Read in Chunks
Avoid reading each word one by one. Instead, read in chunks of 2–3 words. You’ll go faster — guaranteed.
See the difference:
[Instead] [read] [in] [chunks] [of] [2–3] [words]
[Instead read] [in chunks of] [2–3 words]
Like skipping rocks!
3. Eliminate Regression (conscious rereading)
30% of time reading is spent rereading. The culprit is distraction & lack of focus. Block out distractions, sit up straight, and learn as you mean it.
4. Avoid the Margins
Remember #2, read in chunks? Every line has a first & last chunk. Read those chunks towards the centre. For example, focus on the words “text” and “peripheral” below:
[See text] [with your] [peripheral vision].
Fewer eye fixations/movement equals more speed.
5. Use a Visual Pacer
For physical books, trace your finger under word chunks as you read ’em. With tracing, you’ll centre your focus and set your speed. Have a strong bias towards the text’s centerline (again, avoid the margins).
Don’t backtrack. Keep the pace.